DNSBL Spam Check

Checked IP:
rDNS/PTR record: mail.ortmeier.de

Listed: 3 findings
Finding Response time
Blacklisted: Barracuda Reputation Block List
Try to delist your IP from b.barracudacentral.org
Follow the instrucion on this website.
107.3670 ms
Blacklisted: Barracuda Reputation Block List (for SpamAssassin)
Try to delist your IP from bb.barracudacentral.org
106.4441 ms
Blacklisted: SORBS Spamhost (any time)
Try to delist your IP from spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net
Follow the instrucion on this website.
103.6170 ms
Not Listed: 23 checks
Check Response time
Found rDNS/PTR: mail.ortmeier.de
36.0231 ms
Inactive: 2
Response in: 5.691843 seconds
Amount of searched blacklists: 26 (2 inactive)